The Complete Guide to Dr Zigs Giant Bubbling Fun
Oh, Bubbles, glorious bubbles!
I don’t know a single child who doesn’t love them. They are just magical and need to be chased and popped. Bubbles equal laughter and happiness. For the child, that is – because, let’s be honest…. We don’t really enjoy blowing them for a million hours. Or needing to help to pop the wand into the skinny little holder. Or having the solution tipped all over the floor because they forget to keep it straight…
Fear no more! Dr Zigs has the solution. Bubbles, but better! Think BIGGER! Think MORE! And way EASIER! Plus, everything is eco-friendly and non-toxic!
Dr Zigs has created a unique formula that makes fascinating giant bubbles that are strong, long-lasting, and multi-coloured, ones you can actually chase and pop before they vanish.

The award-winning quality, biodegradable extraordinary bubble solution, developed by a marine conservationist with over 8 years of research & testing, creates the most amazing ENORMOUS bubbles. Each bubble wand is handmade with sustainably-sourced hardwood and fair-trade natural cotton designed to soak up as much bubble juice and release it slowly to create the most amazing giant bubbles.
Each kit comes with a wand and 100ml concentrated mix (that makes 1L of solution), which is all you need to create these magical colourful and giant bubbles. The magic lies within the solution, which is free of nasties, eco-friendly, and just amazing.

Getting it set up is easy, and here are some of my tips!
- Use the right amount of warm water
When ready for some bubbles, mix 1 part of the solution with 9 parts of warm water. (E.g. 900ml water for 100ml solution) The water needs to be warm when mixing it, so when we take our bubbles to a park or beach, I measure the amount of water required at home, warm it up in the kettle and take it with me in a thermos flask.
You can also get the Ready-to-go bubble mix; just pour and use it immediately. This option is handy when bubbling out and about, or if you prefer to skip the mixing part; you can reuse the 1L bottle again for mixing the 100ml concentrates into 1L.
You can also get the Ready-to-go bubble mix; just pour and use it immediately. This option is handy when bubbling out and about, or if you prefer to skip the mixing part; you can reuse the 1L bottle again for mixing the 100ml concentrates into 1L.
Use a suitable container
Mix the solution and warm water in a suitable size container. (one with a lid is handy when you’re out and about. Or otherwise, any good size Tupperware or serving tray. Even an oven dish works really well. As long as it’s sturdy and sits evenly on the ground).
When using the wands with long ropes (like the giant bubble or multi-loop rope), a narrow, deep container would help soak the whole yarn with the bubble mix. The “Pocket kit” and “Coconut bucket kit” comes with the container, so you won’t have to worry about finding the right one.
Use a flat container bigger than the cotton loop when using the hand wand.
When using the wands with long ropes (like the giant bubble or multi-loop rope), a narrow, deep container would help soak the whole yarn with the bubble mix. The “Pocket kit” and “Coconut bucket kit” comes with the container, so you won’t have to worry about finding the right one.
Use a flat container bigger than the cotton loop when using the hand wand.
- Mix gently
Make sure you mix the solution and water gently; the solution dissolves in the warm water. Just stir without making bubbles (yet).
- Making the bubbles!
The next step is making the actual bubbles (yay!!). You hold the two handles of the wand together and dip the cotton into the mixture, try not to swirl it and make the mixture foamy.
Lift it up while keeping your hands together, and let any excess mixture drip back into the container.
Then spread your hands to open the wand up. Depending on the weather, you can blow to create the bubbles or walk backward to get it happening. Sometimes just gently swaying your arms back and forth is all it needs. When there is some breeze, you don’t have to do anything. Opening and closing the wands will create ginormous individual bubbles and delight all that are there.
(But, a super windy day may not be a good day for giant bubbles, the wind may pop it as it’s forming; the multi-loop wand still works excellent though!)
A three-year-old can do this by themselves. There is no blowing into tiny holes or trying to get the wand into a holder. They can, without a doubt, create bubbles that are bigger than themselves! How cool is that!?
- Cleaning up
Sold? Want to grab some? This is what you need to know!
There are a few different types of wands. Some are easier, some slightly more difficult at the start (but it sure doesn’t take long to get the hang of it).
We have tried and love them all; let me show you how each wand work differently:
The Giant Bubble wand
This wand makes, as you could’ve guessed, giant bubbles. It’s the ‘classic’ of the wands. And my personal favourite. It’s easy to impress a crowd with this set. It’s also my go-to present for Preschool birthday parties, and I receive so many wonderful comments afterward. It’s easy to master, and anyone from about 3 years and up should be able to wow the crowd.

You can buy the wand with the standard size “my first” handles (25cm), Kiddie size (40cm), or the travel size (13cm). The rope is the same for all sizes of wands, but the handles of the travel size are shorter and easily fit in a bag or even a pocket. For the littlest, the standard (25cm) or kiddie size (40cm) would work better; being further from their body, it is a bit easier to maneuver or hold up high for the breeze to help. (We used the 25cm wands).

Giant bubble wand is available in :
Pocket Kit (13cm travel wands) ; Coconut Bucket Kit (13cm travel wands) ; Giant Bubble Kit (25cm wands) ; Kiddie Giant Bubble Wand (40cm) ; My Jumbo Kit (40cm Kiddie wands)
The hand wand
The hand wand is perfect for the littlest. All you need to be able to do is a wave or make a swirl to create fantastic bubbles. You can shape the wand in any form and dip it into the mixture. Then simply wave the wand above your head and see those bubbles come to life. The hand wand is Benji’s favourite. It’s foolproof and just so very easy!
The hand wand is available in the Hand Wand Bubble Kit or on its own.
The multi-loop bubble wand
This is my husband’s favourite. This wand has a lot of little loops that create loads of bubbles at once. It’s truly spectacular to see it in action. A tip is to dip the ropes in the mixture without tangling them (not swirling around) and use motion to make the bubbles; walking backward or swinging the wands from one side to the other works great. On windy days, simply open up all the way and let the wind do the job.
These are great for entertaining multiple kids or for a party. We love it as making so many bubbles at once saves lots of energy, and it’s enjoyable to make!
This wand is the trickiest of them all, so I’d say it is most suitable for kids that are 4+, but probably even a bit older than that. Benji’s cousins, who are 7 & 8, love this one.
There are two sizes of multi-loop ropes; the Multi-Wand Kit has a shorter rope that’s great as a “my first”. The rope in a Kiddle multi-loop wands (40cm) is longer (and it has bigger loops making more and bigger bubbles). This would be more suitable for older kids or adults to use. Here's a comparison of the two, and all the wands put together :

We used the Kiddie multi-loop wands (40cm) here.

The multi-loop wand is available in :
Multi-Wand Kit (25cm wands and shorter rope), My Jumbo Kit (40cm Kiddie wands and longer rope), Kiddie Multi-loop wands (40cm and longer rope)
Multi-Wand Kit (25cm wands and shorter rope), My Jumbo Kit (40cm Kiddie wands and longer rope), Kiddie Multi-loop wands (40cm and longer rope)
One of the best things about Dr Zigs bubbles is that it is great for kids and adults to enjoy. They just make such lovely and cool gifts for basically anyone! As you can see, there are a few different kits available. Some have just the wand and the solution. Some have multiple wands, or a container included. Some of the wands have different sizes handles or ropes. I love how you can select the best kits for you and build your wands collection. You’ll probably end up with all of them (just like us) as each is fun in different ways, and we often take turns using all of them in one play.

We absolutely adore Dr Zigs at our house and all that the brand stands for! All their products are made with love in the North Wales of the U.K., with quality and sustainability at heart.
What is not to love!
Use code "BUBBLINGFUN" for a limited-time 15% off discount to get started with your giant bubbling fun!
Use code "BUBBLINGFUN" for a limited-time 15% off discount to get started with your giant bubbling fun!
This blog is written by our guest blogger Lisa
Lisa is a qualified teacher working at a school for students with additional needs. She is the mama of a wonderful and wild preschooler named Benji Moon and enjoys setting up open-ended educational play activities. You can follow her son and their adventures on Instagram at!